+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2013

RULER® View™

RULER® View™ provides critical information on the health of your lubricant.

Discover oxidation earlier than with any other technologies.

The RULER View provides the full picture of a fluid’s antioxidant additive health – it’s a window into the health of your lubricant. This technology is a critical part of an effective condition monitoring program.

In the past, indirect measurements of the fluid’s antioxidants were taken. Tests such as RPVOT (ASTM D2272) measure the oxidative stability of the fluid inferring antioxidant levels. This technology has been shown to be less effective in today’s complex formulations employing hydro-treated mineral oils and new antioxidant technologies.

Other techniques to directly measure antioxidants such as infrared analysis (FTIR) often cannot provide the full picture. FTIR interpretation is complex and some additive components mask the critical antioxidant region.


What’s your Remaining Useful Life?

Oxidation chemically degrades oils causing failures.

All oils eventually fail due to oxidation. In many applications such as turbines, hydraulics, compressors and aerospace, oxidation is the primary mode of failure. In these applications, the most important additive components are antioxidants. The patented RULER View uses Linear Sweep Voltammetry to quickly and accurately measure active antioxidants in lubricants and easily trend the depletion of these critical additives. With this information, you now know how much longer your fluid may last. We call this the oil’s Remaining Useful Life (RUL).


Field Tested. Industry Supported.

Be comfortable that your RULER™ technology is supported by industry. The RULER™ technology has received strong industry support over the last 15 years. There are four ASTM standards written around it (D7590, D6971, D6810 and D7527) as well as industry guidelines (DASTM4378 D6244 and DIN – VGB M416).

Major equipment OEMs such as Siemens and GE recommend RULER as part of a condition monitoring program. Furthermore, most oil and additive manufacturers use the RULER technology as both a condition monitoring and research tool to gain further insights into their lubricant formulations.


Rugged yet Refined.

RULER View is as comfortable on the plant floor as in the laboratory

The RULER View has a Brilliant 7″ display works in full sunlight. Its elegant design is protected with magnesium-alloy construction and tough Corning Gorilla Glass. And, the RULER View conforms to IP 67 standards ensuring full protection in dusty environments and in up to a meter of water.


Innovative & Connected.

Latest Tablet Design is loaded with new features
  • Microphone allows you to dictate relevant sample data rather than having to type it in
  • Built-in 5 megapixel camera can take a picture of your MPC patch (Membrane Patch Colorimetry, ASTM D7843) for measuring varnish potential
  • Built-in report template also provides space for integration of the MPC patch picture and comments
  • All of this elegance and durability, yet it weighs less than 3lbs
  • Lightning fast, Windows 7 OS driven by the brand new Intel® Atom™ E660T processor
  • USB 2.0 port, ZigBee® wireless and Bluetooth connectivity allows you to connect the RULER View™ to a wide range of peripherals such as printers, memory sticks or a mouse
  • Integrated RDMS 3.0 software that allows you to do all of the analysis and reporting directly on the RULER™ Tablet
  • WLAN 802.11 a/b/g/n allows internet accessibility with the capability of downloading software updates and other technical support