+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2013

Oil Storage & Transfer Containers

For reliability best practices, oil storage and transfer containers are essential

Stop the insanity. Why leave your lubricants that you depend on to lubricate your machines open to dirt and moisture? It’s time to get rid of the old oil can with rag. The oil can method allows water, dirt, and other particulates to contaminate your expensive lubricants. Whatever ends up in the oil, ends up in your equipment. The smallest particulates, especially the ones we do not see, can cause asset components to fail prematurely.

Another problem with oil transfer and oil storage methods is incorrect lubricant usage or lubricant cross-contamination. Ever had an operator pick up an unmarked container and use the wrong lubricant on a piece of equipment? This can have a very negative effect on asset protection.

Sealable, reusable oil storage containers are the solution to prevent contamination. They make lubricant storage and handling easy, efficient, and clean. Best practice recommendations also include integrating a color-coding system that includes properly labeled containers to prevent misapplication and cross-contamination.