+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2013

Pyroshield® Syn Kiln Lubricant 9020

Product Description

Pyroshield® Syn Kiln Lubricant is a heavy-duty synthetic fluid designed to provide exceptional protection for high-load, heavy-shock, high-heat applications, particularly large shrouded and unshrouded open gears servicing kilns and ball mills in the mining, mineral processing and cement industries. It is recommended for slow-moving, straight-cut gear sets where flaking occurs using a conventional open gear lubricant. Pyroshield Syn Kiln Lubricant is non-asphaltic and formulated with a synergistic mix of extreme pressure and wear-reducing additives, including solid particles of fine graphite and of Almasol®, LE’s exclusive wear-reducing solid additive.