+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
+ 30 210 5152040 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:00 85 Serron str., 104 41, Athens, Greece
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2013


Product Description

Reduces hydrocarbon waste in oil-water separators and interceptors


Using bioremediation, OWS-200 reduces the hydrocarbon contamination thereby reducing the frequency of emptying the interceptor.

• Reduces cost of dealing with oily waste
• 100% biodegradable and sustainable

Suggested Uses

Oil-water separators; oily waste interceptors.

How to Use

Easy to use – OWS-200 is supplied as a concentrate, it needs dilution with water to be effective.

For a separator/interceptor of about 2000 gallons – after pumping the seperator/interceptor, add 5 gallons OWS-200 to the oil holding area which will start the bioremediation process.
Each day add a further 1L, as part of the routine maintenance of the separator/interceptor, to keep it clean.

The effectiveness of OWS-200 is increased through using at a temperature between 42°F and 120°F (13° to 59°C) and by agitation.


Product Information

Non-hazardous to the environment.
pH: 6.0 to 7.2

OWS-200 is supplied in:
20L cases (2 x 10L bottles)